north sulawesi mahawu volcano guide.
Guide jotje lala can also guide for mahawu volcano.
mahawuvolcano is located to tomohon city north sulawesi indonesia.
THe best of mahawu volcano is the panorama from the top.
where you can see klabat mountain,soputan volcano,tomohon city,bitungcity,manado city and karagetana volcano in siau island when the wether is good [no claudy]
karangetan volcano you can see before sunrise and after sunrise disapear.
This guide jotje lala expirience.I organize to stay in this mountain because has already ranger house now in this vocano but you must book if you like to stay here.
beside the crater tosee this volcano isthe home of birdwacher to see scaly kingfisher,pigmy parrots, large parots and sombre pigeon and so on.
contact me guide jotje lala if like to see the best of this place.